Hi (1 Viewer)


The older I get, the better I was.
Hello young fellas *cough*, let me introduce myself.
I am Grandpa, the resident old fart.
We old folks are like zombies - about the same speed and we just don't give a flying fuck anymore.

Some info about me (not that any of you would care):
Yes, I am old school. I did this before most of you were born. I started being a computer freak (that's what it was called back then) in the 1970s. Online before the World Wide Web was invented. I'm a former game developer, had a PC store when it was a totally niche hobby and an "Internet Cafe" way before it became the hot shit in the 90s (anyone remember the AOL CDs?)... been there, did that. The older ones (or retro fans) of you may have enjoyed some of the games I've worked on from 1980s to late 1990s.
Enough with the bragging crap.

If you need technical help or just want to say Hi!, please feel free to contact me via DM or leave a message on my profile page. I am happy to talk to you and friendly... until you are using DM or a profile message to request a re-upload or similar: then get off my lawn!

Also don't forget you can always use the Help & Support section to contact the team:

For all of you that want to pimp your profile with a nice signature, please post in the signature requests thread:




Coffee Time
Staff member
hahah that fucking meme lol! god damn it gramps you always putting int he most work! love you no homo

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